Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Daily News 7-7-09

Ed Jr. has been out side dressing the tobacco crop.

This adds some more fertilizer to the growing plants.

After the fertilizer is added, it must then be cultivated to incorporate the fertilizer into the soil.


July 7 is the time of the Full Buck Moon as described by the Algonquin Indians to tell when the bucks antlers would start to grow. The Indians often used the moons to tell certain weather patterns and growing seasons. It was sometimes called the Thunder Moon. The latter seems to fit our growing season again this year. With more possible wet weather today in surrounding areas..

This wet weather has sure made our bees unhappy. They cannot go out and gather pollen and nectar because their wings would get wet and they would not be able to fly back to the hives. Ed Jr. and Chris took their beekeeping classes last February at UCONN. After the classes we were in the field with master beekeeper Adam Fuller for additional instruction. A good friend of Chris and Jean, John Howe from Willington has mentored Chris and Ed Jr. in the care of beekeeping this season. John and wife, Linda have been beekeepers for over 20 years and are much appreciated. The farm decided that having bees on the farm could help greatly with the pollination of our vegetables. There has been much to learn about beekeeping. We have two hives set way back on the farm so as not to be in the way of visitors or farm work. We set them to face the rising sun in hopes that they will produce some honey this year. The wet weather may delay that until next year. All queens are different as we found out. One hive is buzzin’ and we have put several supers on. The other is just so so. A queen can lay 2000 or so eggs per day! Now that is a busy bee! The workers are all females and take very good care of the queen. The drones (males) are there for a short while but not really necessary as the queen is already mated when you set up your hive. Soon into the warm season the worker bees will push them out for good. Our bees are Italian bred so they are mild in nature.


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