Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Information for the 2010 CSA Season

A downloadable application for the 2010 CSA season is available on the upper right hand corner of this blog. Please print clearly your name, address, city and email address.The email address is how you will receive confirmation that we have received your application. Along with that you will be confirmed on your Pick Up Day choice. Please keep a copy of your application and this information sheet so you can refer back to it for payment dates and our contact information. Farm news, recipes and other information will be sent to you and your “other participant(s)” will also receive updates as they are sent to you.

Edward and I (Chris) are your contacts regarding the CSA. We have listed our cell phone numbers for your convenience. The email address for questions and/or your recipes and suggestions is:

Pick up days include Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Your vegetables will be picked that morning and Edward, Jean and “Tyson” will be packing your 10 gal. bin that morning. If there has been a thunderstorm that morning, please be aware that it would be dangerous for anyone to be in the open field and the picking will be done a little later. You may pick up your vegetables from noon to 8:00pm on clear days. Leave your empty bin to the right of the door of the Veggie Shack and take the filled bin. Next week you will bring the empty and again take the filled bin. If you do not already have your 2 (10 gal.) bins we can purchase them for you for the addition of $20.00 in your payment amount. You can usually find some of the bins at Lowe’s with lids included.

Half of you share is due on 5/15/2010 and the last half is due 6/15/2010. If you need to make other arrangements please call Chris and she will be happy to set up an arrangement that will work for both you and the CSA.

As shareholders in the 2010 crop we appreciate that you are willing to share the risk of 2010’s growing season. We are glad when the weather made its important change to warmer and drier weather so that we could begin to share the harvest with all of you. You will be notified of the first pickup date! Weather including frost, rain, hail, drought always makes farming a real challenge.

If you are unable to pick up on your day or you will be on vacation please let us know if you have someone to pick up your share that/those week(s). If we are not notified and you have not picked up your bin by the next day we will automatically give your share to someone else. If you want your vegetables to go to a shelter during vacations please contact Chris and let her know.

We added honey bees to the farm. We will let you know if there will be honey for sale later in the year. Edward and Chris are the beekeepers.

The shares have gone up for 2010: $325.00 for a full share and $175.00 for a half share. You will be emailed or called to let you know that the veggies will start on your pickup day.

We would like you to know that although we are not certified organic we grow the vegetables with the least amount of chemicals. Each year we must be recertified for chemical and pesticide use. Most homeowners use more chemicals on their lawn than we use on the whole farm. We have been eating our own vegetables and beef for many years and do not want any more usage than necessary of any chemical.

If you would like a tour of the farm please contact us so that we can set aside time to spend with you and show you the farm. Diesel and Tyson our Farm “pups” love company and so do we! Right now Diesel is on the prowl for the foxes and groundhogs that are showing themselves as the weather gets warmer.

The guys (Edward and Gene) are getting the hot houses ready for sowing seed for the vegetables. The Veggie Shack is just off the driveway to the right of the main farm house. This is where you will pick up your vegetables each week and drop off a fresh bin. Eggs will be in the small fridge and for a price of $2.00 a dozen you may help yourself and leave the money in the container. (We have aracauna hens so you will find one or more greenish shelled eggs…..also known as the famous Martha Stewart chickens!) Jane runs the farm stand in front of their house (right of main farm house) and will have much of what is in the bins for any friends that would like to “shop” for veggies but not be a shareholder.


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